Happy Valley takes pride in being home to one and sort of home to a second famous ice-cream establishment. The first is the University Creamery located on the Penn State campus. This is the largest creamery on any university campus in the US and they offer a wide variety of ice-cream, sorbet and milkshake selections. Not only are they well known for their ice-creams but most Penn Staters would agree that they make some pretty good yogurts and cheeses too! Take a peek at their website and if you decide to order online, I can guarantee you that every penny you spend in the shipping cost would be worth it.
The second brand was founded by two individuals, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield. These guys met in 7th grade, stuck together as friends, completed an ice cream making program from Penn State and founded their world famous ice cream company, Ben and Jerry’s. Famous not only for their innovative flavor combinations, but also for those captivating and amusing names given to those scrumptious flavors, Ben and Jerry’s definitely make us smile with their scoops!
Now with such a rich ice-cream history, is it a wonder that Happy Valley is called Happy Valley?
Amongst all the good stuff Ben and Jerry’s has to offer, I think their Chunky Monkey ice-cream has to be my absolute favorite. So I decided to try it out at home and put my own spin on it. Turns out, the recipe is really easy and moreover, does not require an ice cream maker. So just sit back, relax and enjoy and more so, smile.
1 pint heavy cream
1⁄2 cup 2% (reduced fat) milk
3⁄4 cup of sugar
1 tbs light brown sugar
1 ripe banana
1⁄2 cup dark chocolate chunks
1⁄2 cup chopped walnuts
1. Slice the banana lengthwise and sprinkle brown sugar on top. Bake it in the oven at 250 deg F until the sugar caramelizes.
2. Once it is done, remove it from the oven and mash it completely.
3. In a big bowl, whip the heavy cream and milk with an electric hand mixer at medium speed.
4. Add the sugar, mashed banana, walnuts and chocolate chunks and continue to whip until the mixture becomes thick and frothy.
5. Freeze the mixture in your ice cream container for 2 hours.
6. Later, remove it from the freezer and whip it again for 5-7 minutes.
7. Repeat this procedure at least 2-3 times to get a soft and creamy ice cream.
Remove the ice-cream from the freezer 2-3 minutes before serving. Scoop out some into individual dishes. Top with more walnuts, sliced banana, chocolate syrup or just serve it plain without any toppings.
that's a super gorgeous bowl of yummy!!! :)
Chunky Monkey ! never heard of this name. Very neat and impressive.
I just love Ben & Jerry's.
You made that without an IC maker? Wow! That really looks good!
i am a total ice-cream lover!! can have it for dinner, for an entire week at a stretch :D
this looks yummy.. donno where i can get heavy cream in India :)
love ur blog. adding you to my roll :)
Hey Poonam yourchunky monkey looks absoloutley delicious! Great pic :)
That look like ready to be eaten off the pot for sure!! What is 2% milk btw?
I'm sending all the ice cream lovers over to your blog :)
WOW....Mouth-watering and eye catching cup great idea with banana....I always like sweet dish and if ice-cream than no question....
Nice dessert! reminded of the days when I used to make icecreams for my toddlers.After reading this my daughter lakshmi insisted that I start making icecreams Again.
Oh, I so need to get an ice cream maker. I'll just work out harder!
He ice-cream tu banavala aahes? You are great Poonam!
Thats looking cool and never thought that would be so easy to make it at home, tx and I am great I found you in this blogosphere, you have some incredible recipes here...
Oh, my goodness!! This looks spectacular!!
yummy looking bowl. chunky monkey huh??
Lakshmi, Seec, TBS, Jeena, Suganya, Cynthia, Kajal, Latha, Judy, Padma, Deb and Sharmi: Thank you for showering all these nice comments!
Nags: You can use the regular milk with cream. Thanks for adding my blog on your roll!
Coffee: 1%, 2% etc. are all the reduced fat milk options here in US. You can just use the regular milk which has a complete fat content.
Anon: Thanks! If you tell me your name, I will let you eat this ice -cream!
That looks really good Cant believe you made it without an ice-cream maker. Going to must-do list :)
Wow.. that seems so easy and boy does it look good? I didn't know that the texture would be this good without an ice-cream maker.
Have never attempted making ice cream. Yours looks super cool Poonam :-)
i am not sure what i like more? the name or the recipe or the pic;)
Oh I love this chunky monkey - the picture, recipe, everything!
that looks delicious. I simply love ice cream :)
Chunky Monkey is my all time fav ice cream. I used to be majorly addicted to it when I was pregnant, hence the 50 lbs I gained. lol Your's looks really yummy, was it super banana tasting? It doesn't look as "yellowish" as Ben and Jerry's.
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